Thursday, June 24, 2010

wiggling right along . . . .

it's thursday and bin inspection reveals perfection! so far so good - scraps are greatly diminished, worm movement all around, bin smells like damp earth, moisture level has maintained beautifully.
i took fotos today that i am going to attempt to post (with the help of my 13 year old).

i could not be more pleased with how this project is going. our wormies have been quite obviously dining and we have no moldy food scraps. we seem to have hit amazingly close to the perfect amount for our population and bin size.
thank you so much to rick of salado farms and robert from canyonland worms for their input and guidance. i think we've done them proud!
the plan is to leave the same amount of scraps (from saturday thus allowing 2 days of decomposition) on monday at either end of the bin and let our wiggly friends dine at their leisure all week again.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed several small worms earlier today when I went to peek in on Work City...looks like maybe the population has increased? We can see the worm babies on the side of the bin when we lift up the construction paper. I think this is a great project :)
